Pro-Drug War
This article is pro-drug war for many reasons. One of their main points would be that the government already spends as much money on therapy for LEGAL drugs as it does in containing illegal drugs, meaning that if legal drugs are causing such damage to the community, imagine what illegal drugs can do to an individual and society. Another point made was that most illegal drugs are bought by low income individuals which would put them in an even lower lifestyle of living because the government would be putting more taxes on the poor, vs. the rich. The article also discussed the topic of illegal drugs in the work force. For example, there are already so many occupations that require regular drug tests, what would become of those jobs if illegal drugs become legalized? Would it be a mistake to let a pot smoker to handle your taxes? Or a meth addict teaching children in school? Not only do many drugs lower your IQ, but they also can strip your brain of its morals, or judgments when they are essential to live in today's society.
Con-Drug War
This article brings to surface many ideas as to why the drug war has a negative effect on America, and why it needs to be put to a stop. The United States government has spent over $1 trillion enforcing drug laws in the past 40 years. Annually the US spends at least $15 billion a YEAR on drug law enforcement. This article has statistics showing that the increase of drug use has expanded steadily, whereas the opposite has happened to the war on those drugs. Ending the war on drugs could put money to programs that have a greater significance. For example: the education system and schooling funds, planned parenthood, etc. This article has statistics showing that forty years ago, 38,000 people were imprisoned in the US for a drug-related offense, that number has increased drastically to over 500,000 people - 13 times the amount of forty years ago. There is also an argument brought up that expensive drugs cause more people to commit crimes in order to fund their habits, if their drugs were made legal, there are many people who could benefit from their legalization, for example there are people with diseases or illnesses that can be relieved or even cured with the help of illegal drugs. These people are unable to help themselves due to a law, and/or the inflation of drugs on the market.